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Design Center Home

The Design Center is a central hub between various features that aid the Player in collecting and managing clothing pieces. Some locations may have certain requirements to unlock.

The Design Center can be accessed through the Main Menu. It is accessible after V1:_Chapter_2

Apple Apparel[]

Helz's clothing store, located in the city of Flowerland. Shop for Clothes using Gold Gold and Pink Gem Pink Gems.

Accessible at Start.


Craft Clothing using Design and materials at the Workshop. Clothes that are unlocked and craftable might be needed to complete specific stages, awaken certain Designer's Reflections, or progress to the next chapter.[1]

There are three types of craftable Sets: Main Story Design, Maze Design and Theme Album.

Accessible after Vol 1 - Chapter 2.

Designer Intel Hub[]

A hub promoted by reporter Vivian, which contains various special columns from the Shining Pictorial.

Accept and complete the investigation on a Designer to receive their exclusive Intel Points.[2]

Accessible after V1:_Chapter_1.

Shining Stylist Academy[]

An academy for stylists, where they can improve the power of clothing attributes by leveling up each curriculum subject, related to categories of clothing.

Accessible after V1:_Chapter_1.

COLOURS Newsroom[]

A collection of magazines, with each themed volume providing various rewards based on the volume's Style Challenge.

Accessible after V1:_Chapter_1. Each Magazine Volume has its own unlock requirements.

Nail Studio[]

Welcome to the Nail Studio. Here you can manage your Nail Salon, research new Nail Art, DIY your Nail Art Designs, and buy Nail Art items.[3]

Accessible after Level 15.

Marina's Dye Shop[]

Allows Player to unlock multiple color options for previously obtained clothing and hairstyles. Not all sets are eligible for dyeing, and new set options are updated frequently. Accessible after Stage 3-1



  1. In-game Tutorial
  2. In-game Tutorial
  3. In-game Nail Studio Infomation