Shining Nikki Wiki

The Dressing Room is a location where the player can dress up Nikki in various items from their obtained clothing set. They can save outfits, take pictures and short videos of Nikki wearing those outfits, as well as share those pictures and videos with those on the server, Guild members, in private chats, or through social media. They can also save those pictures or videos to their personal phone.


In this location, the player may save up to three different custom outfits for Nikki to wear. Two additional outfit slots may be bought with the Gem Card, another two may be bought with the Privilege Card. All outfits can be renamed by tapping on the blue pencil icon next to the outfit's name. Players can change their displayed outfit on the Main Menu screen by pressing the star button.

Nikki's 3D model can be rotated by having the player slide their finger left and right across the screen. The player can also zoom in or out by sliding two fingers together or apart upon the screen. When the screen is zoomed in, the player may slide their finger up and down to move the camera in either direction.

There are several dark gray buttons on the left side of the Dressing Room screen.

  • The first icon features an opened box image and will allow the player to view Nikki's 3D Model without any of the HUD on the screen. The opened box icon will disappear too after a few seconds. To exit, the player may tap upon the screen and the icon will reappear, allowing the player to switch back to the default HUD.
  • The second icon shows a gear and leads to the in-game Settings, allowing the player to switch between higher and lower graphic settings or to customize them at their leisure. There is also a on-off switch for Overheating Protection and Performance Mode.
  • The third icon features an arrow pointing left (an undo button), while the fourth features an arrow pointing right (a redo button). This will undo or redo recent actions the player has made within the Dressing Room.
  • The fifth icon features a trash can, allowing the player to take off all their equipped items and leave Nikki in her default clothes.
  • The sixth icon is a magnifying glasses, which gives the player the ability to search through their clothes to find specific items.

Players may switch between entire sets of clothing, including custom sets they have created.

There are two available backgrounds for the player to choose from. Once chosen, the player may switch their main menu background to their preferred pick.

Players may add environmental effects if their graphics setting is high enough. This includes Gentle Breeze (Left) and Gentle Breeze (Right).

The Dressing Room features the Display button, which allows the player to share a photo of their outfit.

Nikki may make the occasional comment upon donning certain individual articles of clothing. Completing a set and dressing Nikki in it may also offer a different comment for each set. Dressing Nikki in saved custom outfits will have Nikki comment upon a random item within the worn set.

Default Clothes[]


Default dress.

Taking off Nikki's clothing items may replace each item with a default alternative. The player must put on a dress, top, or bottom piece before leaving the Dressing Room.

  • Removing Nikki's hair will replace it with Nikki's Pink Hair, one of the first hairstyles in the game
    • If Nikki's Pink Hair is already being worn, it cannot be taken off
  • Removing Nikki's top piece will leave her in a white camisole, one that is almost identical to an actual item in the game called White Camisole
  • Removing Nikki's bottom piece will leave her in a pair of black shorts with a white line running on either side of her hip, an item that is almost identical to Simple Shorts
  • Removing Nikki's dress or removing both her top and bottom pieces will leave her in a long white shirt that extends to her thighs
    • The shirt has a dark blue constellation print on it with the words, "Heading for the direction where stars are shining"
  • Removing Nikki's shoes will leave her in solid lavender slippers

Exclusive Bun Hairstyle[]


Exclusive bun hairstyle with Gold Jadeite, seen in Camera Mode.

There is a pink bun hairstyle with no official name that can only be obtained through specific methods while in the Dressing Room. This hairstyle resembles the pink bun Nikki dons while lounging around in her home.

To obtain this hairstyle, the player must:

  • Wear the default hairstyle, Nikki's Pink Hair, either by selecting it from the Hairstyle tab or by taking off their current hairstyle.
  • Select an item that is not allowed with Nikki's Pink Hair, which will be indicated by a red circle with a line through the middle.

Upon wearing the correct item, Nikki will automatically style her hair into a bun. Text will flash on the screen, stating, "The Nikki's Pink Hair you are currently wearing is not compatible with the [item] selected, automatically taken off".

If the player removes the item that disallowed Nikki's Pink Hair from appearing, then the pink bun will be lost and Nikki will return to her default hairstyle.

The bun hairstyle can be worn like any other hairstyle and can be decorated with hair ornaments.


In the Dressing Room, the player may set different backgrounds, which can then be set as their Home Screen Background. These backgrounds are separate (but sometimes similar) to those found in Camera Mode.
