Shining Nikki Wiki
Fashion Project - Definition of Cool

Fashion Project I, Definition of Cool.

A Fashion Project is a regularly scheduled event that includes different limited-time items in Shining Nikki. It can be found in Tasks. Before August 3, 2022, it was located in the Benefit Center.

List of Fashion Projects[]

  • Fashion Project I: Definition of Cool (Ran from July 5, 2021 to August 29, 2021)[1]
    • Fashion Gas Station Redeem Time: July 5, 2021 to September 5, 2021
  • Fashion Project II: Leap of Fantasy (Ran from September 6, 2021 to November 7, 2021)[2]
    • Fashion Gas Station Redeem Time: September 6, 2021 to November 14, 2021
  • Fashion Project III: Lost Stars (Ran from November 15, 2021 to January 9, 2022)[3]
    • Fashion Gas Station Redeem Time: November 15, 2021 to January 16, 2022
  • Fashion Project IV: Floral Poems (Ran from January 17, 2022 to March 13, 2022)[4]
    • Fashion Gas Station Redeem Time: January 17, 2021 to March 20, 2022
  • Fashion Project V: Astrology (Ran from March 21, 2022 to May 15, 2022)[5]
    • Fashion Gas Station Redeem Time: March 21, 2022 to May 22, 2022
  • Fashion Project VI: Galaxy Ode (Ran from May 23, 2022 to July 17, 2022)[6]
    • Fashion Gas Station Redeem Time: May 23, 2022 to July 24, 2022
  • Fashion Project VII: Future Halo (Ran from August 3, 2022 to October 4, 2022)[7]
  • Fashion Project VIII: Pulsing Light (Ran from October 5, 2022 to December 6, 2022)[8]
  • Fashion Project IX: Salty Tea (Ran from December 7, 2022 to February 7, 2023)[9]
  • Fashion Project X: Dying Embers (Ran from February 8, 2023 to April 11, 2023)[10]
  • Fashion Project XI: Tribal Memories (Ran from April 12, 2023 to June 13, 2023)[11]
  • Fashion Project XII: Static Noise (Ran from June 14, 2023 to August 15, 2023)[12]
  • Fashion Project XIII: Butterfly Dream (Ran from August 16, 2023 to October 17, 2023)[13]
  • Fashion Project XIV: Neon Notes (Ran from October 19, 2023 to December 19, 2023)[14]
  • Fashion Project XV: Piercing Dark (Ran from December 20, 2023 to February 20, 2024)[15]
  • Fashion Project XVI: Time of Vines (Ran from February 21, 2024 to April 24, 2024) [16]
  • Fashion Project XVII: Bunny Ace (Ran from April 24, 2024 to June 26, 2024) [17]
  • Fashion Project XVIII: Exquisite Cyan (Ran from June 26, 2024 to August 28, 2024)[18]
  • Fashion Project XIX: Frosty Maple (Ran from August 28, 2024 to October 30, 2024)[19]
  • Fashion Project XX: Enchanted Visions (Ran from October 30, 2024 - January 1, 2025)[20]

Fashion Allowance[]

Each Fashion Project gives their own rewards in the Fashion Allowance tab.

Players may raise their Fashion Level by gathering Fashion Power. Raising a player's Fashion Level will grant various rewards from the Basic Project. Special Project rewards will also be granted if the Special Project has been activated by paying $9.99.

There are Grand Rewards given out at levels that are divisible by 5. Levels that give Grand Rewards typically give out greater rewards than other levels.

Fashion Project: Leap of Fantasy[]

Leap of Fantasy
Level Basic Project Special Project Fashion Power to Level Up
Lv. 0 None None 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 1 50 Pink Gem SSR Concept Choice
50 Charm Medal
200 Fashion Power
Lv. 2 10 Charm Medal 1 Fantasy Ticket 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 3 5 Memory Key: SR 30 Stamina 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 4 10000 Gold 1 Fantasy Ticket 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 5 30 Charm Medal 1 Alloy Blade
10 Charm Medal
Lv. 6 30 Stamina 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 7 10 Charm Medal 10000 Gold N/A
Lv. 8 30 Poetry of Time 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 9 10 Memory Key: R 30 Poetry of Time N/A
Lv. 10 2 Fantasy Ticket s 1 Unexpected Factor
10 Charm Medal
Lv. 11 20 Pink Gem 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 12 5 Mystery Ticket Mystery Tickets 30 Stamina N/A
Lv. 13 10 Charm Medal 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 14 10000 Gold 10 Concept Shard: SSR N/A
Lv. 15 180 Stamina 1 Magnetic Sensor
10 Charm Medal
Lv. 16 10 Charm Medal 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 17 30 Poetry of Time 20 Pink Gem N/A
Lv. 18 20 Pink Gem 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 19 10 Charm Medal 10 Memory Key: R N/A
Lv. 20 2 Fantasy Ticket s 1 Critical Point
10 Charm Medal
Lv. 21 None 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 22 5 Memory Key: SR 30 Stamina N/A
Lv. 23 None 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 24 30 Stamina 5 Memory Key: SR 400 Fashion Power
Lv. 25 88 Pink Gem 1 Transition Sticker Box (contains Spatial Particles, Critical Fantasy, Blades of Order, and Overlapping Dimensions)
10 Charm Medal
500 Fashion Power
Lv. 26 None 1 Fantasy Ticket 500 Fashion Power
Lv. 27 10 Charm Medal 10000 Gold 500 Fashion Power
Lv. 28 None 1 Fantasy Ticket 500 Fashion Power
Lv. 29 10 Memory Key: R 5 Mystery Ticket Mystery Tickets 500 Fashion Power
Lv. 30 2 Fantasy Ticket s 1 Projection Space
10 Charm Medal
500 Fashion Power
Lv. 31 None 1 Fantasy Ticket 500 Fashion Power
Lv. 32 None 30 Stamina 500 Fashion Power
Lv. 33 30 Stamina 1 Fantasy Ticket 500 Fashion Power
Lv. 34 None 10 Memory Key: R N/A
Lv. 35 1 Imagination Sticker Box (contains Kinetic Track, Pixel Heart, and Future Path) 1 Recharge
10 Charm Medal
Lv. 36 None 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 37 None 10000 Gold N/A
Lv. 38 10 Charm Medal 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 39 None 30 Poetry of Time N/A
Lv. 40 1 SSR Concept Choice 1 Antigravity
10 Charm Medal
Lv. 41 None 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 42 None 30 Stamina N/A
Lv. 43 None 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 44 None 5 Memory Key: SR N/A
Lv. 45 None 1 Perfect Sequencing
10 Charm Medal
Lv. 46 None 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 47 None 10000 Gold N/A
Lv. 48 None 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 49 None 10 Concept Shard: SSR N/A
Lv. 50 None 680 Pink Gem
10 Charm Medal
Lv. 51 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 52 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 53 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 54 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 55 None 10 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 56 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 57 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 58 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 59 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 60 None 10 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 61 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 62 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 63 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 64 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 65 None 10 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 66 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 67 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 68 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 69 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 70 None 10 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 71 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 72 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 73 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 74 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 75 None 10 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 76 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 77 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 78 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 79 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 80 None 10 Charm Medal N/A

Fashion Project: Lost Stars[]

Lost Stars
Level Basic Project Special Project Fashion Power to Level Up
Lv. 0 None None 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 1 50 Pink Gem SSR Concept Choice
50 Charm Medal
200 Fashion Power
Lv. 2 10 Charm Medal 1 Fantasy Ticket 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 3 5 Memory Key: SR 30 Stamina 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 4 10000 Gold 1 Fantasy Ticket 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 5 30 Charm Medal 1 Green Dragonfly
10 Charm Medal
250 Fashion Power
Lv. 6 30 Stamina 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 7 10 Charm Medal 10000 Gold N/A
Lv. 8 30 Poetry of Time 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 9 10 Memory Key: R 30 Poetry of Time N/A
Lv. 10 2 Fantasy Ticket s 1 Rumors
10 Charm Medal
Lv. 11 20 Pink Gem 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 12 5 Mystery Ticket Mystery Tickets 30 Stamina N/A
Lv. 13 10 Charm Medal 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 14 10000 Gold 10 Concept Shard: SSR N/A
Lv. 15 180 Stamina 1 Light Waltz
10 Charm Medal
Lv. 16 10 Charm Medal 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 17 30 Poetry of Time 20 Pink Gem N/A
Lv. 18 20 Pink Gem 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 19 10 Charm Medal 10 Memory Key: R N/A
Lv. 20 2 Fantasy Ticket s 1 Hazy Morning
10 Charm Medal
Lv. 21 None 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 22 5 Memory Key: SR 30 Stamina N/A
Lv. 23 None 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 24 30 Stamina 5 Memory Key: SR 400 Fashion Power
Lv. 25 88 Pink Gem 1 Starlight Sticker Box (contains Abundant Starlight, Coincided Lights, Night Eye, and Night Abode)
10 Charm Medal
500 Fashion Power
Lv. 26 None 1 Fantasy Ticket 500 Fashion Power
Lv. 27 10 Charm Medal 10000 Gold 500 Fashion Power
Lv. 28 None 1 Fantasy Ticket 500 Fashion Power
Lv. 29 10 Memory Key: R 5 Mystery Ticket Mystery Tickets 500 Fashion Power
Lv. 30 2 Fantasy Ticket s 1 Holy Chant
10 Charm Medal
500 Fashion Power
Lv. 31 None 1 Fantasy Ticket 500 Fashion Power
Lv. 32 None 30 Stamina 500 Fashion Power
Lv. 33 30 Stamina 1 Fantasy Ticket 500 Fashion Power
Lv. 34 None 10 Memory Key: R N/A
Lv. 35 1 Rosemary Sticker Box (contains Starry Night Wings, Butterfly Fan, and Evernight Elf) 1 Green Eyes
10 Charm Medal
Lv. 36 None 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 37 None 10000 Gold N/A
Lv. 38 10 Charm Medal 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 39 None 30 Poetry of Time N/A
Lv. 40 1 SSR Concept Choice 1 Light Steps
10 Charm Medal
Lv. 41 None 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 42 None 30 Stamina N/A
Lv. 43 None 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 44 None 5 Memory Key: SR N/A
Lv. 45 None 1 Dripping Green
10 Charm Medal
Lv. 46 None 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 47 None 10000 Gold N/A
Lv. 48 None 1 Fantasy Ticket N/A
Lv. 49 None 10 Concept Shard: SSR N/A
Lv. 50 None 680 Pink Gem
10 Charm Medal
Lv. 51 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 52 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 53 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 54 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 55 None 10 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 56 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 57 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 58 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 59 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 60 None 10 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 61 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 62 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 63 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 64 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 65 None 10 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 66 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 67 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 68 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 69 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 70 None 10 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 71 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 72 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 73 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 74 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 75 None 10 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 76 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 77 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 78 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 79 None 5 Charm Medal N/A
Lv. 80 None 10 Charm Medal N/A

Fashion Project: Pulsing Light[]

Pulsing Light
Level Basic Project Special Project Fashion Power to Level Up
Lv. 0 None None 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 1 50 Pink Gem 1 Heart Shadow
400 Pink Gem
50 Fashion Power
Lv. 2 10 Fixed Key: SR 1 Black Gold Flame 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 3 25 Fixed Key: R 1 Party Elf 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 4 10000 Gold 1 Dark Night Sweetheart 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 5 2 Fantasy Ticket 5 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 6 50 Stamina 1 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 7 10 Fixed Key: SR 2 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 8 25 Fixed Key: R 2 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 9 5 Mystery Ticket Mystery Ticket 2 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 10 20 Pink Gem 1 Golden Rule
1 Folded Heartbeat
100 Fashion Power
Lv. 11 30 Stamina 20 Fixed Track 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 12 10 Fixed Key: SR 100 Stamina 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 13 25 Fixed Key: R 10 Fixed Key: SR 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 14 5 Mystery Ticket Mystery Ticket 25 Fixed Key: R 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 15 2 Fantasy Ticket 5 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 16 20 Fixed Track 20 Fixed Track 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 17 10 Fixed Key: SR 50000 Gold 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 18 25 Fixed Key: R 10 Fixed Key: SR 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 19 50 Stamina 25 Fixed Key: R 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 20 20 Pink Gem 1 SSR Concept Choice
75 Pink Gem
200 Fashion Power
Lv. 21 None 30 Memory Track 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 22 None 200 Stamina 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 23 20 Memory Key: SR 10 Memory Key: R 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 24 None 25 Memory Key: SR 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 25 2 Fantasy Ticket s 5 Fantasy Ticket s 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 26 None 30 Memory Track 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 27 50 Memory Key: R 50000 Gold 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 28 None 10 Memory Key: SR 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 29 None 25 Memory Key: R 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 30 88 Pink Gem 1 Translucent Beat
75 Pink Gem
300 Fashion Power
Lv. 31 None 60 Poetry of Time N/A
Lv. 32 None 50000 Gold N/A
Lv. 33 40 Poetry of Time 10 Memory Key: SR N/A
Lv. 34 None 25 Memory Key: R N/A
Lv. 35 20 Fixed Track 10 Concept Shard: SSR
75 Pink Gem
Lv. 36 None 60 Poetry of Time N/A
Lv. 37 none 50000 Gold N/A
Lv. 38 50 Stamina 10 Memory Key: SR N/A
Lv. 39 None 25 Memory Key: R N/A
Lv. 40 Leaping Heart Sticker Box (contains Withered Heart, Blackleaf Wings, and Black Rose Shade stickers) Light and Shadow Sticker Box (contains Midnight Vow, Tide o' Wine, Frozen Shards and Heartbroken Teddy stickers)
75 Pink Gem
Lv. 41 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 42 50 Stamina 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 43 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 44 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 45 SSR Concept Choice Neon Spaces Background N/A
Lv. 46 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 47 50 Stamina 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 48 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 49 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 50 50000 Gold 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 51 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 52 50 Stamina 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 53 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 54 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 55 20 Fixed Track 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 56 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 57 50 Stamina 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 58 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 59 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 60 100000 Gold 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 61 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 62 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 63 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 64 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 65 50 Stamina 20 Concept Shard: SSR N/A
Lv. 66 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 67 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 68 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 69 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 70 100000 Gold 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 71 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 72 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 73 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 74 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 75 40 Poetry of Time 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 76 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 77 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 78 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 79 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 80 20 Concept Shard: SSR 1 Concept Shard: UR Concept Shard: UR N/A
Lv. 81 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 82 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 83 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 84 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 85 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 86 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 87 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 88 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 89 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 90 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 91 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 92 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 93 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 94 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 95 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 96 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 97 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 98 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 99 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 100 None 200000 Gold N/A

Fashion Project: Salty Tea[]

Salty Tea
Level Basic Project Special Project Fashion Power to Level Up
Lv. 0 None None 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 1 50 Pink Gem 1 Salty Tea (Dress)
400 Pink Gem
50 Fashion Power
Lv. 2 10 Fixed Key: SR 1 Pink Berry 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 3 25 Fixed Key: R 1 Candy Gift Box 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 4 10000 Gold 1 Sugar-Free Walk 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 5 2 Fantasy Ticket 5 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 6 50 Stamina 1 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 7 10 Fixed Key: SR 2 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 8 25 Fixed Key: R 2 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 9 5 Mystery Ticket Mystery Ticket 2 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 10 20 Pink Gem 1 Sweetheart Lady
1 Yoko Cream
100 Fashion Power
Lv. 11 30 Stamina 20 Fixed Track 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 12 10 Fixed Key: SR 100 Stamina 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 13 25 Fixed Key: R 10 Fixed Key: SR 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 14 5 Mystery Ticket Mystery Ticket 25 Fixed Key: R 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 15 2 Fantasy Ticket 5 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 16 20 Fixed Track 20 Fixed Track 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 17 10 Fixed Key: SR 50000 Gold 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 18 25 Fixed Key: R 10 Fixed Key: SR 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 19 50 Stamina 25 Fixed Key: R 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 20 20 Pink Gem 1 SSR Concept Choice
75 Pink Gem
200 Fashion Power
Lv. 21 None 30 Memory Track 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 22 None 200 Stamina 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 23 20 Memory Key: SR 10 Memory Key: R 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 24 None 25 Memory Key: SR 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 25 2 Fantasy Ticket s 5 Fantasy Ticket s 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 26 None 30 Memory Track 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 27 50 Memory Key: R 50000 Gold 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 28 None 10 Memory Key: SR 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 29 None 25 Memory Key: R 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 30 88 Pink Gem 1 Fragrant Tea
75 Pink Gem
300 Fashion Power
Lv. 31 None 60 Poetry of Time N/A
Lv. 32 None 50000 Gold N/A
Lv. 33 40 Poetry of Time 10 Memory Key: SR N/A
Lv. 34 None 25 Memory Key: R N/A
Lv. 35 20 Fixed Track 10 Concept Shard: SSR
75 Pink Gem
Lv. 36 None 60 Poetry of Time N/A
Lv. 37 none 50000 Gold N/A
Lv. 38 50 Stamina 10 Memory Key: SR N/A
Lv. 39 None 25 Memory Key: R N/A
Lv. 40 Sea Salt Sticker Box (contains Sweet Pudding, Fragrant Weekend, and Tea Party Rules stickers) Sweet Tea Sticker Box (contains Sweet Tea Playmate, Gentle Hug, Clear Summons and Floral Half-Dream stickers)
75 Pink Gem
Lv. 41 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 42 50 Stamina 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 43 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 44 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 45 SSR Concept Choice Crystal Garden Background N/A
Lv. 46 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 47 50 Stamina 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 48 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 49 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 50 50000 Gold 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 51 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 52 50 Stamina 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 53 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 54 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 55 20 Fixed Track 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 56 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 57 50 Stamina 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 58 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 59 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 60 100000 Gold 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 61 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 62 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 63 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 64 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 65 50 Stamina 20 Concept Shard: SSR N/A
Lv. 66 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 67 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 68 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 69 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 70 100000 Gold 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 71 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 72 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 73 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 74 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 75 40 Poetry of Time 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 76 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 77 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 78 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 79 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 80 20 Concept Shard: SSR 1 Concept Shard: UR Concept Shard: UR N/A
Lv. 81 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 82 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 83 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 84 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 85 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 86 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 87 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 88 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 89 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 90 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 91 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 92 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 93 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 94 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 95 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 96 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 97 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 98 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 99 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 100 None 200000 Gold N/A

Fashion Project: Dying Embers[]

Dying Embers
Level Basic Project Special Project Fashion Power to Level Up
Lv. 0 None None 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 1 50 Pink Gem 1 Moonlit Pact
400 Pink Gem
50 Fashion Power
Lv. 2 10 Fixed Key: SR 1 Dying Embers (Top) 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 3 25 Fixed Key: R 1 Midnight Varnish 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 4 10000 Gold 1 Silver Falls 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 5 2 Fantasy Ticket 5 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 6 50 Stamina 1 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 7 10 Fixed Key: SR 2 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 8 25 Fixed Key: R 2 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 9 5 Mystery Ticket Mystery Ticket 2 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 10 20 Pink Gem 1 Out of the Net
1 Steady Steps
100 Fashion Power
Lv. 11 30 Stamina 20 Fixed Track 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 12 10 Fixed Key: SR 100 Stamina 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 13 25 Fixed Key: R 10 Fixed Key: SR 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 14 5 Mystery Ticket Mystery Ticket 25 Fixed Key: R 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 15 2 Fantasy Ticket 5 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 16 20 Fixed Track 20 Fixed Track 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 17 10 Fixed Key: SR 50000 Gold 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 18 25 Fixed Key: R 10 Fixed Key: SR 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 19 50 Stamina 25 Fixed Key: R 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 20 20 Pink Gem 1 SSR Concept Choice
75 Pink Gem
200 Fashion Power
Lv. 21 None 30 Memory Track 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 22 None 200 Stamina 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 23 20 Memory Key: SR 10 Memory Key: R 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 24 None 25 Memory Key: SR 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 25 2 Fantasy Ticket s 5 Fantasy Ticket s 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 26 None 30 Memory Track 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 27 50 Memory Key: R 50000 Gold 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 28 None 10 Memory Key: SR 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 29 None 25 Memory Key: R 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 30 88 Pink Gem 1 Dawnbreak
75 Pink Gem
300 Fashion Power
Lv. 31 None 60 Poetry of Time N/A
Lv. 32 None 50000 Gold N/A
Lv. 33 40 Poetry of Time 10 Memory Key: SR N/A
Lv. 34 None 25 Memory Key: R N/A
Lv. 35 20 Fixed Track 10 Concept Shard: SSR
75 Pink Gem
Lv. 36 None 60 Poetry of Time N/A
Lv. 37 none 50000 Gold N/A
Lv. 38 50 Stamina 10 Memory Key: SR N/A
Lv. 39 None 25 Memory Key: R N/A
Lv. 40 Black Flames Sticker Box (contains Powerful Secrets, Ode to Dionysus, and Romantic Rose stickers) Dying Embers Sticker Box (contains Thorns and Flames, Fated Encounter, Fantasy of the Sky (Sticker), and Rose Hunt stickers)
75 Pink Gem
Lv. 41 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 42 50 Stamina 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 43 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 44 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 45 SSR Concept Choice Poems of the Past Background N/A
Lv. 46 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 47 50 Stamina 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 48 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 49 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 50 50000 Gold 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 51 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 52 50 Stamina 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 53 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 54 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 55 20 Fixed Track 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 56 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 57 50 Stamina 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 58 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 59 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 60 100000 Gold 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 61 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 62 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 63 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 64 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 65 50 Stamina 20 Concept Shard: SSR N/A
Lv. 66 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 67 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 68 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 69 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 70 100000 Gold 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 71 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 72 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 73 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 74 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 75 40 Poetry of Time 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 76 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 77 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 78 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 79 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 80 20 Concept Shard: SSR 1 Concept Shard: UR Concept Shard: UR N/A
Lv. 81 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 82 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 83 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 84 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 85 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 86 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 87 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 88 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 89 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 90 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 91 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 92 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 93 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 94 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 95 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 96 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 97 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 98 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 99 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 100 None 200000 Gold N/A

Fashion Project: Tribal Memories[]


Fashion Project: Static Noise[]

Static Noise
Level Basic Project Special Project Fashion Power to Level Up
Lv. 0 None None 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 1 50 Pink Gem 1 Unknown Error
400 Pink Gem
50 Fashion Power
Lv. 2 10 Fixed Key: SR 1 Glacier Roar 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 3 25 Fixed Key: R 1 Galactic Melody 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 4 10000 Gold 1 Blue Bytes 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 5 2 Fantasy Ticket 5 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 6 50 Stamina 1 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 7 10 Fixed Key: SR 2 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 8 25 Fixed Key: R 2 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 9 5 Mystery Ticket Mystery Ticket 2 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 10 20 Pink Gem 1 Static Noise
1 Digital Focus
100 Fashion Power
Lv. 11 30 Stamina 20 Fixed Track 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 12 10 Fixed Key: SR 100 Stamina 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 13 25 Fixed Key: R 10 Fixed Key: SR 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 14 5 Mystery Ticket Mystery Ticket 25 Fixed Key: R 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 15 2 Fantasy Ticket 5 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 16 20 Fixed Track 20 Fixed Track 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 17 10 Fixed Key: SR 50000 Gold 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 18 25 Fixed Key: R 10 Fixed Key: SR 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 19 50 Stamina 25 Fixed Key: R 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 20 20 Pink Gem 1 SSR Concept Choice
75 Pink Gem
200 Fashion Power
Lv. 21 None 30 Memory Track 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 22 None 200 Stamina 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 23 20 Memory Key: SR 10 Memory Key: R 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 24 None 25 Memory Key: SR 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 25 2 Fantasy Ticket s 5 Fantasy Ticket s 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 26 None 30 Memory Track 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 27 50 Memory Key: R 50000 Gold 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 28 None 10 Memory Key: SR 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 29 None 25 Memory Key: R 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 30 88 Pink Gem 1 Static Voice
75 Pink Gem
300 Fashion Power
Lv. 31 None 60 Poetry of Time N/A
Lv. 32 None 50000 Gold N/A
Lv. 33 40 Poetry of Time 10 Memory Key: SR N/A
Lv. 34 None 25 Memory Key: R N/A
Lv. 35 20 Fixed Track 10 Concept Shard: SSR
75 Pink Gem
Lv. 36 None 60 Poetry of Time N/A
Lv. 37 none 50000 Gold N/A
Lv. 38 50 Stamina 10 Memory Key: SR N/A
Lv. 39 None 25 Memory Key: R N/A
Lv. 40 Lost Note Sticker Box (contains Archived Classic, Personalized Declaration, and Erroneous Statement stickers) Noise Sticker Sticker Box (contains Age of Listening, Glittering Star, Cyber Reverb, and Electronic Ensemble stickers)
75 Pink Gem
Lv. 41 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 42 50 Stamina 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 43 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 44 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 45 SSR Concept Choice Exclusive Scene Background N/A
Lv. 46 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 47 50 Stamina 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 48 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 49 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 50 50000 Gold 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 51 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 52 50 Stamina 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 53 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 54 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 55 20 Fixed Track 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 56 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 57 50 Stamina 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 58 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 59 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 60 100000 Gold 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 61 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 62 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 63 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 64 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 65 50 Stamina 20 Concept Shard: SSR N/A
Lv. 66 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 67 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 68 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 69 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 70 100000 Gold 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 71 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 72 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 73 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 74 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 75 40 Poetry of Time 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 76 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 77 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 78 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 79 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 80 20 Concept Shard: SSR 1 Concept Shard: UR Concept Shard: UR N/A
Lv. 81 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 82 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 83 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 84 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 85 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 86 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 87 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 88 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 89 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 90 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 91 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 92 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 93 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 94 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 95 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 96 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 97 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 98 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 99 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 100 None 200000 Gold N/A

Fashion Project: Butterfly Dream[]


Fashion Project: Neon Notes[]


Fashion Project: Piercing Dark[]

Piercing Dark
Level Basic Project Special Project Fashion Power to Level Up
Lv. 0 None None 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 1 50 Pink Gem 1 Sunken Moon
400 Pink Gem
50 Fashion Power
Lv. 2 10 Fixed Key: SR 1 Heavenly Butterflies 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 3 25 Fixed Key: R 1 Piercing Dark 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 4 10000 Gold 1 Dream lntruder 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 5 2 Fantasy Ticket 5 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 6 50 Stamina 1 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 7 10 Fixed Key: SR 2 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 8 25 Fixed Key: R 2 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 9 5 Mystery Ticket Mystery Ticket 2 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 10 20 Pink Gem 1 Gorgeous Garment
1 Hazy Smoke
100 Fashion Power
Lv. 11 30 Stamina 20 Fixed Track 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 12 10 Fixed Key: SR 100 Stamina 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 13 25 Fixed Key: R 10 Fixed Key: SR 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 14 5 Mystery Ticket Mystery Ticket 25 Fixed Key: R 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 15 2 Fantasy Ticket 5 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 16 20 Fixed Track 20 Fixed Track 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 17 10 Fixed Key: SR 50000 Gold 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 18 25 Fixed Key: R 10 Fixed Key: SR 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 19 50 Stamina 25 Fixed Key: R 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 20 20 Pink Gem 1 SSR Concept Choice
75 Pink Gem
200 Fashion Power
Lv. 21 None 30 Memory Track 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 22 None 200 Stamina 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 23 20 Memory Key: SR 10 Memory Key: R 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 24 None 25 Memory Key: SR 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 25 2 Fantasy Ticket s 5 Fantasy Ticket s 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 26 None 30 Memory Track 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 27 50 Memory Key: R 50000 Gold 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 28 None 10 Memory Key: SR 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 29 None 25 Memory Key: R 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 30 88 Pink Gem 1 Dream Casket
75 Pink Gem
300 Fashion Power
Lv. 31 None 60 Poetry of Time N/A
Lv. 32 None 50000 Gold N/A
Lv. 33 40 Poetry of Time 10 Memory Key: SR N/A
Lv. 34 None 25 Memory Key: R N/A
Lv. 35 20 Fixed Track 10 Concept Shard: SSR
75 Pink Gem
Lv. 36 None 60 Poetry of Time N/A
Lv. 37 none 50000 Gold N/A
Lv. 38 50 Stamina 10 Memory Key: SR N/A
Lv. 39 None 25 Memory Key: R N/A
Lv. 40 Lonely Night Sticker Box (contains Butterfly Dreams, Butterfly Play, and Radiant Beauty stickers) Cold Winter Sticker Box (contains Feathered Dreams, Radiant Jewels, Ink and Brush, and Beauty Gathering stickers)
75 Pink Gem
Lv. 41 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 42 50 Stamina 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 43 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 44 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 45 SSR Concept Choice Serene Moonlit Pool Background N/A
Lv. 46 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 47 50 Stamina 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 48 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 49 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 50 50000 Gold 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 51 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 52 50 Stamina 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 53 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 54 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 55 20 Fixed Track 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 56 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 57 50 Stamina 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 58 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 59 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 60 100000 Gold 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 61 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 62 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 63 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 64 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 65 50 Stamina 20 Concept Shard: SSR N/A
Lv. 66 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 67 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 68 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 69 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 70 100000 Gold 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 71 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 72 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 73 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 74 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 75 40 Poetry of Time 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 76 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 77 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 78 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 79 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 80 20 Concept Shard: SSR 1 Concept Shard: UR Concept Shard: UR N/A
Lv. 81 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 82 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 83 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 84 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 85 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 86 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 87 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 88 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 89 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 90 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 91 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 92 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 93 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 94 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 95 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 96 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 97 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 98 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 99 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 100 None 200000 Gold N/A

Fashion Project: Time of Vines[]

Time of Vines
Level Basic Project Special Project Fashion Power to Level Up
Lv. 0 None None 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 1 50 Pink Gem 1 Time of Vines
400 Pink Gem
50 Fashion Power
Lv. 2 10 Fixed Key: SR 1 Silver Moon Braid 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 3 25 Fixed Key: R 1 Semi-mature-ism 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 4 10000 Gold 1 Soft Vines 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 5 2 Fantasy Ticket 5 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 6 50 Stamina 1 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 7 10 Fixed Key: SR 2 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 8 25 Fixed Key: R 2 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 9 5 Mystery Ticket Mystery Ticket 2 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 10 20 Pink Gem 1 Wind Over Leaves
1Wind Drop
100 Fashion Power
Lv. 11 30 Stamina 20 Fixed Track 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 12 10 Fixed Key: SR 100 Stamina 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 13 25 Fixed Key: R 10 Fixed Key: SR 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 14 5 Mystery Ticket Mystery Ticket 25 Fixed Key: R 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 15 2 Fantasy Ticket 5 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 16 20 Fixed Track 20 Fixed Track 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 17 10 Fixed Key: SR 50000 Gold 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 18 25 Fixed Key: R 10 Fixed Key: SR 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 19 50 Stamina 25 Fixed Key: R 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 20 20 Pink Gem 1 SSR Concept Choice
75 Pink Gem
200 Fashion Power
Lv. 21 None 30 Memory Track 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 22 None 200 Stamina 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 23 20 Memory Key: SR 10 Memory Key: R 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 24 None 25 Memory Key: SR 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 25 2 Fantasy Ticket s 5 Fantasy Ticket s 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 26 None 30 Memory Track 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 27 50 Memory Key: R 50000 Gold 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 28 None 10 Memory Key: SR 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 29 None 25 Memory Key: R 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 30 88 Pink Gem 1 A Faint Love
75 Pink Gem
300 Fashion Power
Lv. 31 None 60 Poetry of Time N/A
Lv. 32 None 50000 Gold N/A
Lv. 33 40 Poetry of Time 10 Memory Key: SR N/A
Lv. 34 None 25 Memory Key: R N/A
Lv. 35 20 Fixed Track 10 Concept Shard: SSR
75 Pink Gem
Lv. 36 None 60 Poetry of Time N/A
Lv. 37 none 50000 Gold N/A
Lv. 38 50 Stamina 10 Memory Key: SR N/A
Lv. 39 None 25 Memory Key: R N/A
Lv. 40 Green Vine Sticker Box (contains Leaf Dance, Tea Break, and Butterfly Dream stickers) Good Date Sticker Box (contains Finch Feather, Frosty Leaf, Leaf Crown, and Grass Rabbit stickers)
75 Pink Gem
Lv. 41 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 42 50 Stamina 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 43 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 44 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 45 SSR Concept Choice Leisure Afternoon Background N/A
Lv. 46 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 47 50 Stamina 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 48 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 49 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 50 50000 Gold 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 51 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 52 50 Stamina 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 53 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 54 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 55 20 Fixed Track 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 56 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 57 50 Stamina 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 58 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 59 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 60 100000 Gold 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 61 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 62 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 63 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 64 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 65 50 Stamina 20 Concept Shard: SSR N/A
Lv. 66 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 67 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 68 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 69 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 70 100000 Gold 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 71 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 72 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 73 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 74 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 75 40 Poetry of Time 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 76 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 77 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 78 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 79 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 80 20 Concept Shard: SSR 1 Concept Shard: UR Concept Shard: UR N/A
Lv. 81 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 82 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 83 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 84 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 85 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 86 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 87 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 88 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 89 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 90 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 91 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 92 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 93 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 94 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 95 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 96 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 97 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 98 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 99 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 100 None 200000 Gold N/A

Fashion Project: Frosty Maple[]

Frosty Maple
Level Basic Project Special Project Fashion Power to Level Up
Lv. 0 None None 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 1 50 Pink Gem 1 Sunset Afterglow
400 Pink Gem
50 Fashion Power
Lv. 2 10 Fixed Key: SR 1 Flowing Waves 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 3 25 Fixed Key: R 1 Lively Spring 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 4 10000 Gold 1 Red Maple Leaf 50 Fashion Power
Lv. 5 2 Fantasy Ticket 5 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 6 50 Stamina 1 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 7 10 Fixed Key: SR 2 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 8 25 Fixed Key: R 2 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 9 5 Mystery Ticket Mystery Ticket 2 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 10 20 Pink Gem 1 Sandalwood Fan
1 Maple Fragrance
100 Fashion Power
Lv. 11 30 Stamina 20 Fixed Track 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 12 10 Fixed Key: SR 100 Stamina 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 13 25 Fixed Key: R 10 Fixed Key: SR 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 14 5 Mystery Ticket Mystery Ticket 25 Fixed Key: R 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 15 2 Fantasy Ticket 5 Fantasy Ticket 100 Fashion Power
Lv. 16 20 Fixed Track 20 Fixed Track 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 17 10 Fixed Key: SR 50000 Gold 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 18 25 Fixed Key: R 10 Fixed Key: SR 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 19 50 Stamina 25 Fixed Key: R 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 20 20 Pink Gem 1 SSR Concept Choice
75 Pink Gem
200 Fashion Power
Lv. 21 None 30 Memory Track 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 22 None 200 Stamina 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 23 20 Memory Key: SR 10 Memory Key: R 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 24 None 25 Memory Key: SR 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 25 2 Fantasy Ticket s 5 Fantasy Ticket s 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 26 None 30 Memory Track 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 27 50 Memory Key: R 50000 Gold 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 28 None 10 Memory Key: SR 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 29 None 25 Memory Key: R 200 Fashion Power
Lv. 30 88 Pink Gem 1 Breezy Night
75 Pink Gem
300 Fashion Power
Lv. 31 None 60 Poetry of Time N/A
Lv. 32 None 50000 Gold N/A
Lv. 33 40 Poetry of Time 10 Memory Key: SR N/A
Lv. 34 None 25 Memory Key: R N/A
Lv. 35 20 Fixed Track 10 Concept Shard: SSR
75 Pink Gem
Lv. 36 None 60 Poetry of Time N/A
Lv. 37 none 50000 Gold N/A
Lv. 38 50 Stamina 10 Memory Key: SR N/A
Lv. 39 None 25 Memory Key: R N/A
Lv. 40 Maple Sticker Box (contains Colorful Sunflower, Air of Melancholy, and Flower Shingen Mochi stickers) Frost Dye Sticker Box (contains Sign of Autumn, Scarlet Maple Rhythm, Golden Blooming, and Garden Blossoms stickers)
75 Pink Gem
Lv. 41 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 42 50 Stamina 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 43 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 44 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 45 SSR Concept Choice Crimson Twilight Path Background N/A
Lv. 46 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 47 50 Stamina 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 48 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 49 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 50 50000 Gold 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 51 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 52 50 Stamina 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 53 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 54 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 55 20 Fixed Track 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 56 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 57 50 Stamina 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 58 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 59 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 60 100000 Gold 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 61 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 62 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 63 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 64 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 65 50 Stamina 20 Concept Shard: SSR N/A
Lv. 66 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 67 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 68 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 69 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 70 100000 Gold 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 71 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 72 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 73 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 74 None 20 Fixed Track N/A
Lv. 75 40 Poetry of Time 100000 Gold N/A
Lv. 76 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 77 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 78 None 10 Fixed Key: SR N/A
Lv. 79 None 25 Fixed Key: R N/A
Lv. 80 20 Concept Shard: SSR 1 Concept Shard: UR Concept Shard: UR N/A
Lv. 81 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 82 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 83 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 84 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 85 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 86 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 87 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 88 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 89 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 90 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 91 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 92 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 93 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 94 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 95 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 96 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 97 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 98 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 99 None 20000 Gold N/A
Lv. 100 None 200000 Gold N/A


Daily Tasks[]

All Daily Tasks refresh at 5:00 daily and formerly gave 100 Fashion Power per completed task. After Fashion Project moved to Tasks Fashion Power values changed and only a few daily tasks provide Fashion Power.

Daily Tasks
Task Reward
Claim daily returned Gems from Privilege Card/Gem Card 200 Fashion Power
Send to any Friend x5 120 Fashion Power
Perform any tier of Guild Donation x3 120 Fashion Power
Give Nikki any gift or snack x3 120 Fashion Power

Fashion Tasks[]

All Fashion Tasks refresh at 5:00 every Monday. Most Fashion Tasks are divided into multiple levels, with each successive level having more difficult requirements than the last. Levels are counted by the number of yellow diamonds seen beneath the task requirement, with zero yellow diamonds designating Level 0 and the maximum seven yellow diamonds designating Level 7.

Weekly Tasks
Task Levels Reward
Log in.
  • Level 0 - Log in 1 time(s) this week.
315 Fashion Power
Join "Clock Workshop".
  • Level 0 - Join "Clock Workshop" x3.
  • Level 1 - Join "Clock Workshop" x6.
  • Level 2 - Join "Clock Workshop" x9.
  • Level 3 - Join "Clock Workshop" x12.
  • Level 4 - Join "Clock Workshop" x15.
  • Level 5 - Join "Clock Workshop" x18.
  • Level 6 - Join "Clock Workshop" x21.
  • Level 7 - None.
45 Fashion Power
Join "Neverfall Curtains".
  • Level 0 - Join "Neverfall Curtains" x3.
  • Level 1 - Join "Neverfall Curtains" x6.
  • Level 2 - Join "Neverfall Curtains" x9.
  • Level 3 - Join "Neverfall Curtains" x12.
  • Level 4 - Join "Neverfall Curtains" x15.
  • Level 5 - Join "Neverfall Curtains" x18.
  • Level 6 - Join "Neverfall Curtains" x21.
  • Level 7 - None.
45 Fashion Power
Join "Concept Voyage".
  • Level 0 - Join "Concept Voyage" x3.
  • Level 1 - Join "Concept Voyage" x6.
  • Level 2 - Join "Concept Voyage" x9.
  • Level 3 - Join "Concept Voyage" x12.
  • Level 4 - Join "Concept Voyage" x15.
  • Level 5 - Join "Concept Voyage" x18.
  • Level 6 - Join "Concept Voyage" x21.
  • Level 7 - None.
45 Fashion Power
Complete "Guild Secret Commission".
  • Level 0 - Complete "Guild Secret Commission" x5.
  • Level 1 - Complete "Guild Secret Commission" x10.
  • Level 2 - Complete "Guild Secret Commission" x15.
  • Level 3 - Complete "Guild Secret Commission" x20.
  • Level 4 - Complete "Guild Secret Commission" x25.
  • Level 5 - Complete "Guild Secret Commission" x30.
  • Level 6 - Complete "Guild Secret Commission" x35.
  • Level 7 - None.
45 Fashion Power
Spend .
  • Level 0 - Spend a total of 400 .
  • Level 1 - Spend a total of 800 .
  • Level 2 - Spend a total of 1200 .
  • Level 3 - Spend a total of 1600 .
  • Level 4 - Spend a total of 2000 .
  • Level 5 - Spend a total of 2400 .
  • Level 6 - Spend a total of 2800 .
  • Level 7 - None.
45 Fashion Power
Challenge opponents in Diamond Arena.
  • Level 0 - Challenge 5 opponents in Diamond Arena.
  • Level 1 - Challenge 10 opponents in Diamond Arena.
  • Level 2 - Challenge 15 opponents in Diamond Arena.
  • Level 3 - Challenge 20 opponents in Diamond Arena.
  • Level 4 - Challenge 25 opponents in Diamond Arena.
  • Level 5 - Challenge 30 opponents in Diamond Arena.
  • Level 6 - Challenge 35 opponents in Diamond Arena.
  • Level 7 - None.
45 Fashion Power

Gas Station[]

Starting from Fashion Project Future Halo Charm Medal are no longer used and Fashion Projects moved to the Task system.

Gas Station Rewards
Reward Cost
1 Fashion Summon Pack (contains 1 Fantasy Ticket and 5 Mystery Ticket Mystery Tickets) 50 Charm Medal
6888 Gold 5 Charm Medal
4 Concept Shard: SSR 20 Charm Medal
4 Memory Track 10 Charm Medal
3 Memory Key: SR 15 Charm Medal
6 Memory Key: R 15 Charm Medal





  1. Shining Nikki Official Twitter Post - Fashion Project I: Definition of Cool
  2. Shining Nikki Official Twitter Post - Fashion Project II: Leap of Fantasy
  3. Shining Nikki Official Twitter Post - Fashion Project III: Lost Stars
  4. Shining Nikki Official Twitter Post - Fashion Project IV: Floral Poems
  5. Shining Nikki Official Twitter Post - Fashion Project V: Astrology
  6. Shining Nikki Official Twitter Post - Fashion Project VI: Galaxy Ode
  7. Shining Nikki Official Twitter Post - Fashion Project VII: Future Halo
  8. Shining Nikki Official Twitter Post - Fashion Project VIII: Pulsing Light
  9. Shining Nikki Official Twitter Post - Fashion Project IX: Salty Tea
  10. Shining Nikki Official Twitter Post - Fashion Project X: Dying Embers
  11. Shining Nikki Official Twitter Post - Fashion Project XI: Tribal Memories
  12. Shining Nikki Official Twitter Post - Fashion Project XII: Static Noise
  13. Shining Nikki Official Twitter Post - Fashion Project XIII: Butterfly Dream
  14. Shining Nikki Official Twitter Post - Fashion Project XIV: Neon Notes
  15. Shining Nikki Official Twitter Post - Fashion Project XV: Piercing Dark
  16. Shining Nikki Official Facebook Post - Fashion Project XVI: Time of Vines
  17. Shining Nikki Official Facebook Post - Fashion Project XVII: Bunny Ace
  18. Shining Nikki Official Facebook Post - Fashion Project XVIII: Exquisite Cyan
  19. Shining Nikki Official Facebook Post - Fashion Project XIX: Frosty Maple
  20. Shining Nikki Official Facebook Post - Fashion Project XX: Enchanted Visions