Shining Nikki Wiki

Marina's Dye Shop main screen.

Marina's Dye Shop is located in the Design Center that can be unlocked upon passing Chapter 3-1. Here, the player can dye clothes or hairstyle from available sets.


Dyeing clothes or hairstyle item requires gathering Outfit or Hair Dye Kit. With for Designer's Reflection, you need awaken all sets to can dye other color.

Dyeing Journey[]

Player need complete mission Outfit Dye and Hair Dye to gain reward.

Outfit Dye Lv.1
Quest EXP
Log in for 1 day 10
20 to 100 Outfit Dye Items Used 10
20 to 40 Overflowing Color Bottles Used 10
20 to 40 Misty Haze Bottles Used 10
Hairstyle Dye
Quest EXP
Total Dyes: 1 to 12 10
Own 3 Fireflies Green: Hairstyle 10
Own 3 Flowing Purple: Hairstyle 10
Own 3 Graceful Red: Hairstyle 10
Own 3 Romantic Pink: Hairstyle 10
Perform 1 Vivid Dyes on SSR hairstyles 10
Use a total of 4 Dream Bottles: Hairstyle 10
Use a total of 6 Moonlight Bottles: Hairstyle 10